Marketing your business on Facebook can be time-consuming. As the world's largest social media network, it offers multiple forms of promotion. Facebook, however, recently launched a new dashboard to help business owners manage all of their pages, content, messages, and advertising campaigns. Known as Business Suite, it will allow you to leverage the full marketing power of Facebook.
What Is Business Suite?
Business Suite is a dashboard that provides access to business management tools for Facebook and its affiliated properties, such as Instagram. It's the successor to Business Manager. Business Suite is a centralized dashboard from which you can manage your business's presence on Facebook and its affiliated properties.
There are different places where you can promote a business on Facebook. You can promote in one or more pages, for example, and you can promote it in the social media network's news feed with ads. Rather than going to each of these places to manage your business's presence, you can use Business Suite.
Benefits of Using Business Suite
With Business Suite, you can easily manage all of your business's pages. Facebook only allows users to create a single profile, but it doesn't limit the number of pages they can create. Whether you have a single page or a dozen pages, you can manage all of them in Business Suite.
With Business Suite, you can easily manage all of your business's pages. Facebook only allows users to create a single profile, but it doesn't limit the number of pages they can create. Whether you have a single page or a dozen pages, you can manage all of them in Business Suite.
Logging in to Business Suite will reveal all of the pages to which you've been given access. You can filter and sort the listed pages, and you can load them by clicking the "View Page" button. With that said, you can create posts for one or more pages in Business Suite without loading them. Business Suite features a post creation tool that you use to immediately publish new posts or schedule posts to be published in the future.
In addition to creating posts, you can use Business Suite to create Facebook Stories and Instagram Stories. Stories are visual posts that expire after 24 hours. Standard posts are available to view indefinitely, whereas Stories are deleted upon expiration. Assuming you've connected your Instagram account to your Facebook account, you can create Stories for both social media networks in Business Suite.
Business Suite features an Insights section. In this section, you can analyze performance metrics for your pages and Instagram accounts. Business Suite shows Page reach, for instance. Pulling up the Insights section will reveal how many users viewed any content from a page during your selected time period. Other Insights metrics include page likes, post reach, post likes, user demographics, and more.
Other Insights metrics include page likes, post reach, post likes, user demographics, and more.
You can manage your advertising campaigns in Business Suite. It will reveal how many ads are running, as well as how many ads are in review, for each of your Pages. Business Suite offers links to both Creative Hub and Ads Manager. Ads Manager is Facebook's universal tool for creating and optimizing ads. Creative Hub, on the other hand, is a tool for creating mockup versions of ads.
You can use Business Suite on a desktop or mobile device. Facebook offers a mobile app for Business Suite. The Business Suite mobile app is available on Google Play and on Apple's App Store. Facebook also offers a Business Manager mobile app, which now redirects to Business Suite. If you prefer working on a mobile device, you can download one of these mobile apps.
Business Suite will consolidate all of your notifications. By default, it will display notifications for your pages, ads, apps, and business. If a user likes one of your pages, for example, you'll see a notification for this action in Business Suite. If an ad that you recently submitted was approved, you'll see a notification for it as well.

Getting Started With Business Suite
Business Suite is available at business.facebook.com. You'll need to log in to the profile associated with your business account. If you don't already have a business account, you'll need to create one in Business Suite. Creating a business account is free; you just need to enter the name of your business, your own name, and a work-related email address.
The home screen of Business Suite for desktop devices consists of menu options on the left. In the center of the home screen, you'll see a list of your pages, ad performance information, and ad alerts.
Most of Business Suite's tools can be accessed by clicking the menu icon in the upper-left corner of the home screen. Clicking this menu icon will display a list of links. You'll see a set of shortcut links at the top of the list. Shortcut links include Creative Hub, ad limits per page, account quality, business settings, Ads Manager, and Events Manager. Below the shortcut links are categories for tools, performance reports, and other features.
If you use Instagram to promote your business, you should connect it to your Facebook account. Business Suite will only display information about your Instagram account if they are connected. Start by clicking the shortcut link to business settings. On the next page, select the option to add a new asset. Assets in Business Suite are accounts and pages. When you add a new asset, you can choose your Instagram account.
To view notifications in Business Suite, click the bell icon in the lower-left corner of the home screen. The notifications page will display notifications associated with your pages, ads, apps, and business.
Keep in mind that Business Suite supports multiple users. Not all businesses are owned and operated by a single person. Many businesses have multiple owners. Therefore, Facebook allows multiple users to share the same Business Suite. To add a user to your Business Suite, go back to the assets page and click the "Add" button, after which you can enter the user's name or email address. The user will receive an invite, which he or she must accept to access your Business Suite.

With Business Suite, Facebook is pushing the envelope to help business owners manage their presence. Business Suite offers a unified marketing solution. By using Business Suite, you can manage nearly every aspect of your business on Facebook and its affiliated properties